德国Sartorius PR1590模拟信号变送器可以对电流、电压等电量参数或温度、电阻等非电量参数,进行高速精确测量,经隔离转换成标准的模拟信号输出。既可直接与指针表,数显表相接,也可以与自控仪表(如PLC)、各种A/D转换器、以及计算机系统配接。
The analogue transmitters of the PR 1590 series from Sartorius have been especially designed for use in industrial environment, and are particularly suited for applications with hazardous areas (zone 1) like chemical, petrochemical and food industries. The applications range from level control and simple weighing to complex applications e.g. mixing and filling stations, in conjunction with PLCs, computers or other supervisory systems.
High precision analogue transmitter for all kinds of industrial weighing, batching and level control applications
Standard analogue outputs 0–10 V and 0/4–20 mA
6-wire load cell interface
Power supply: 24 VDC/AC according to NAMUR ±15 VDC; 110/220 VAC
供电:24 VDC/AC和110/220 VAC
Easy to commission and to calibrate
Adjustment easily accessible via the front
Longterm and temperature stable
Weight transmitter
Weight transmitter PR 1590/24 PR 1591/00 PR 1591/10
Accuracy class 0.05 % 0.1 % 0.1 %
Linearity 0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 %
Zero stability 0.09 % / 10 K < 0.17 % / 10 K < 0.17 % / 10 K
Span stability 0.05 % / 10 K < 0.10 % / 10 K < 0.10 % / 10 K
Ranges span 2.5–25 mV 2.5–25 mV 2.5–25 mV
Ranges deadload 0–15 mV 0–15 mV 0–15 mV
Load cell supply 12 V 12 V 12 V
Minimum impedance 75 O 100 O 100 O
Supply voltage 24 VDC/AC 110/128/220/238 VAC 110/128/220/238 VAC
(nominal) ± 15 VDC
Voltage tolerances DC: 18 … 33 V -15 % … +10 %
(Operating range) AC: 18 … 28 V 48 Hz to 62 Hz
Power consumption 7.5 W / 11 VA 11 W max. / 20 VA max.
(at nominal voltage)
Isolated output yes
(signal / supply)
Control outputs no 2 relays 2 relays
Additional features Display built-in
Net weight 0.23 kg 2.6 kg 2.6 kg
Shipping weight 0.50 kg 3.6 kg 3.6 kg
Operating temperat. -10 oC to +55 oC -10 oC to +55 oC 0 oC to +55 oC
Storage temperature -40 oC to +70 oC -20 oC to +60 oC -20 oC to +60 oC
Packing dimensions 240 + 160 + 70 460 + 250 + 220 460 + 250 + 220
PR 1590/24: ±15 V or 24 VDC/AC according to NAMUR
PR 1590/66: intrinsically safe version (CENELEC)