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LCA-9PC 放大器





美国Transducer Techniques LCA-9PC集成放大器和信号调理仪功能,用于信号源和读出设备之间的信号调理器件,两级如衰减器、前置放大器、电荷放大器以及对传感器或放大器进行非线性补偿的电平转换器件。


Transducer LCA-9PC成本低,专用于单电桥式称重传感器或者扭矩传感器的信号调节。灵敏度范围:0.5 mV/V to 10 mV/V, 频宽100 Hz to 30kHz,放大输出信号有:0 to ±5V, 0 to ±10V, 0-16 mA, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA.

The LCA-9PC Module provides low-cost, dedicated signal conditioning for a single bridge type load cell or torque sensor. Model LCA-9PC comes with DB9 male and female connectors, which require soldering to user-furnished mating female or male wire connectors. On- board jumper selections include sensitivities from 0.5 mV/V to 10 mV/V, bandwidths from 100 Hz to 30kHz, and amplified outputs of 0 to ±5V, 0 to ±10V, 0-16 mA, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA. Zero and span adjustments are via precision 25-turn low-tempco metal film potentiometers. The units can be operated next to the sensor with 4-wire hookup or at distances up to 1 km (3300 feet) with 6-wire hookup. An onboard 87.325 kΩ resistor allows easy shunt calibration at the push of a button.

Provision is also made for a user-furnished calibration resistor. Power requirements are 11.8 to 26V DC with load currents from 10 to 60 mA, the latter applying when the unit provides 10VDC excitation to a 350 ohm load cell and delivers a 20 mA analog output

  • Power Requirement 12 to 26V DC

  • Bridge Excitation 5 to 10V DC

  • Bridge Sensitivity 0.5 mV/V to 10 mV/V

  • Push Button Shunt Calibration Network

  • Two-Pole Low Pass Selectable Filter 100 HZ to 30 kHZ

  • Analog Outputs 0 to ±5V, 0 to ±10V, 0-16 mA, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA

Voltage Range ±2.5 mV min to 100 mV max

Voltage Sensitivity 0 to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 or 10 mV/V

(jumper selectable)

Polarity Reversal Jumper selectable

Offset Voltage ±10 μV typ, ±30 μV max

Offset Voltage Tempco ±0.04 μV/°C typ, ±1.2 μV/°C max

Power Supply Rejection ±0.1 μV/V typ, ±0.3 μV/V max

Offset Voltage Aging ±2 μV/1000h typ, ±6 μV/1000h max

Bias Current ±0.3 nA typ, ±2.8 nA max

Voltage Noise 350 nVpp or 56 nVrms typ (0.1 to 10 Hz)

Voltage Noise Density 12.4 nV/vHz typ at 1kHz

Differential Resistance 1 GΩ min

Common Mode Resistance 100 GΩ typ

Common Mode Voltage -5.5V to +5.5V DC

Amplifier Type Differential, bipolar

Voltage Ranges 0 to ±5V, 0 to ±10V (jumper selectable)

Voltage Load 5 kΩ min

Gain Range 50 to 4000

Noise and Ripple See chart on page 12.

Current Source 0-16 mA, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA (jumper selectable)

Current Load 0-500Ω (10V compliance)

Nonlinearity ±0.005% of FS max

Zero Adjust ±10% of FS min

Zero Tempco ±0.003%/°C of FS max

Span Adjust ±24% of FS min

Span Tempco ±0.003%/°C of FS max

Filter Configuration Two-pole low pass (jumper selectable)

Filter Frequency Response DC to 0.1, 0.3, 1.0k, 3.0, 10 kHz (-6 dB points)


LCA-9PC  Load Cell Amplifier Signal Conditioner



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LCA-9PC 01.png



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