频闪仪是指控制光源发光,以特定频率快速闪动的光学测量仪器。美国Checkline DS-2000LED频闪仪本身可以发出短暂又频密的闪光,当调节频闪灯的闪动频率,使其与被测物的转动或运动速度接近或同步时,被测物虽然高速运动着,但看上去却是缓慢运动或相对静止,这种视觉暂留现象使人目测就能轻易观测到高速运动物体的表面质量与运行状况 ,而频闪仪的闪光速度即为被检测物体(例如:马达 )转速和运动频率 (印刷袋 ) ,亦可以利用频闪仪分析物体振动情况、 高速移动物体的动作以及高速摄影等。利用频闪仪观测检验技术在欧美已广泛使用 ,随着我国经济的高速发展,越来越多的行业开始使用频闪仪来帮助解决产品质量检验问题。
Check-Line DS-2000LED频闪仪也叫频闪静像仪或转速计 ,是能够使作振动、 高速旋转或周期运动构件变成“ 静止不动 " 构件的一种光学测量装置。
Flash Range: 30 - 300,000 FPM (5000Hz, max)
Flash Brightness: up to 3000 Lux (@ 6000 FPM)
频闪范围:30 – 300000FPM (5000Hz)
频闪亮度:3000Lux (6000FPM)
Designed for maximum performance, portability and ease of use, the Checkline DS-2000LED is a hand-held battery powered LED Digital Stroboscope for use in speed measurement as well as for motion analysis. It is fitted with seven (7) state-of-the-art, super-bright LEDs mounted in a precision-machined aluminum head with optimized optics, providing the highest light output of similar strobes on the market. Produces up to 3000 Lux!
美国Checkline的DS-2000LED是一款为发挥其性能而设计的数字频闪仪,便携性好(手持式),操作简单,电池供电,用于速度测量和运动分析。DS-2000LED配备了7个的LED灯,亮度超高,安装在精加工地铝制头里面,并对其进行光学优化,提供亮度的输出,亮度达3000 Lux。
The Check-Line DS-2000LED can operate even at the highest flash rates for up to six hours continuously on a single set of three (3) standard AA-batteries . Keypad controls adjust flash rate in single increments as well as special keys for 2X and ÷2 functions. Other user-programmable settings include flash duration, phase shift, delay and much more.
Supplied in a high-impact plastic with rubber protective sleeve providing additional protection as well as improved grip for the operator. Lifetime LEDs do not wear-out or need replacement making this product ideal for use on the factory floor, in the field or in the laboratory. Applications include ideal for speed, motion and vibration analysis, on rotating shafts, fans, cams, hi-speed motion analysis for speakers or ink-jet printing and more.
优于市场水准的亮度,3000 Lux,在距离被测物12英寸前提下可测6000FPM
闪光范围 | 30 - 300,000 FPM (0.5 - 5000Hz) |
持续闪光时间 | 可调:1 微秒到8522微秒 |
精度 | ± 0.02% ± 500ns |
分辨率 | ± 0.1 FPM (30 - 999) ± 1 FPM 1000+ |
亮度 | 3000 Lux @ 6000 FPM / 30cm (12 inch) |
防护等级 | IP65 (防尘防溅) |
显示 | LCD |
证书 | CE (as per EU norms) |
闪光颜色 | 约6.500 K |
电源 | 3x AA电池,可再充 |
外壳材料 | 铝/ ABS重负载设计 |
尺寸 | 191 x 82 x 60 mm / 7.5 x 3.2 x 2.4 inch |
重量 | 约400g (包含电池) |
温度范围 | 0° - 45° C / 32° - 113° F |
电池寿命 | 镍氢电池: 约11h at 6.000 FPM |
质保 | 2年 |
默认设置 | FPM 1000, Hz 16.6, PULSE µs 333, PULSE deg 2°, DELAY ms 0.0, PHASE deg 0°, DIVIDER 1, OPTION 0 |
DS-2000LED Strobe is supplied in foam-fitted carrying case with 2 sets of 3x-AA batteries (6 batteries total), Traceable Calibration Certificate and Operating Instruction Manual.
BATT-RC4AA-WC 2300mA镍氢可再充电池
PK2X 频闪仪